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Week 17: Wrapping It Up

 Over the semester, my use of social media has become more focused on creating an image reflective of my business.  I had been complaining for years about how I felt like I was stagnating at pop up art shows and comic book conventions. Yet, I still showed up to them every year. My posts were still pandering to geek culture and the "weird kids" (who are now in their 40s).  It was the place I had let people convince me I belonged. I listened to people who said things like, "You and me, we're not 'fine artists' we don't belong in galleries! The convention scene is what it's all about for us!" Eve though, deep down  I knew these people were wrong, and that I was unhappy, my actions didn't align with my words. No wonder no one took me seriously when I would talk about art as a business. I was still behaving like someone who thought of art as a "cool hobby" and conventions as a social event. Reevaluation This class forced me to refine my ...

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