Week 16 Part A: Developing Your Marketing Strategy


Marketing Strategy

For my marketing strategy, I feel that visual formats work best, like Instagram, TikTok and to a lesser extent, YouTube.
The YouTube algorithm makes it much more difficult to be found by people, and each video requires a promotional post to another social media site to gain traction.

Facebook and Twitter both allow for visual posts, but I feel they are best used as a satellite for reposting from Instagram or TikTok.

I find newsletters ungodly annoying, and don't think I will employ this marketing technique. 
Facebook is almost as needy, best not to delve too deep into that cesspool.
These formats seems very old fashioned and pushy to me. I don't appreciate emails, Facebook messages or phone calls, which I see as equally intrusive and belligerent.

While I know the textbook advises creating a likeable personality, I actually want to move in a different direction.
Too many public personalities are outed as being fake and insincere.  

Take Shane Dawson for example. 
He made his whole career off being so soft, emotional and empathic. 
This was an open invitation for people to dig up all the filth they could, and challenge his sweetie pie persona.

Turns out, he's not such a sweetheart. In fact, in the past, he loved to joke about feces, pedophilia, sexual abuse, racial stereotypes and has a history of berating those working under him.
While I can't boast such an offensive repatoire, I have realized can only maintain a pleasant persona but for so long. 
This knowledge came via trial by fire, enduring the torturous exercise of conventions and art shows.
By the end of a convention week, I'm looking for an excuse to stab someone.
Teehee, kidding (maybe.) 

I really like the idea of people never being able to tell if I'm joking or not.
Your nervous laughter is like nectar to me.
I've read many comments that cast me as being this sad, anxiety ridden creature who just needs to get out there and make friends! Wheee!
The truth is, at any public event, I'm sitting there the whole time, slowly running the gambit from disinterested, annoyed, disgusted by having to pander and finally resentful and seeking retribution. 
All the while, I'll be smiling and laughing in faux delight, because I've been trained to do so. I'm great at it...but its a practiced lie.

BTW, when you tell women to smile from little up, you're saying:
     "Your emotions really don't matter if they make people uncomfortable. Could you just live in     insincerity so that everyone else feels good and comfy? Everyone else is more important than you!"

So that hasn't worked.

Why not lean into my misanthropy and play it off as a humorous, quirky trait?

Quirky is big right now. We love a quirky queen!

The copy for my About Us page on my Shopify site really embodies this principal. 

    "We make horrible art for terrible people.

    Why? As a terrible person and reluctant artist myself, I understand the needs of societies lowest         specimens.

    Hello, I'm Napoléon Doom, the creator behind The Lucid Nap.

    I have the misfortune of being an artist. I wish I could hold down a real job, but I don't care enough about people to be polite for 8 hours a day.

    Buy something and help keep me from potentially getting a job at your workplace and making your life miserable.

    Or listen to my audiodrama Creeping Wave Radio

    I'm currently back in school to figure out I can bring my series to the next level and eventually release it as an animated series!

    Buy stuff to help make that happen or I may be headed to an office near you...

    Where I will microwave fish every lunchbreak and report you to HR for things like dressing poorly and breathing with unnecessary enthusiasm."

 I intend to create a video that goes along with this, and use it as promotion for my work. 

I want the idea of "Keeping me out of your workplace" to be the running theme with all my posts.

I've been trying to appeal to comicbook nerds, counterculture types, basically extras from a Kevin Smith movie.

These are the people I was relegated to association with in highschool.

The people I went to college to escape from, and then.

Then, in desperation, I started to pander to them. The Hell you know is better than a fresh one. 

I felt sick and disgusted because I was surrounded by people who seemed to reaffirm my status as societal refuse.

Now I'm bitter, so let's work with that!

A New Direction

Currently my computer is dying so my options are limited. Fortunately, creating videos on my phone is fairly easy and the preferred medium of the internet.

I want to try and make a post everyday for each of my instagram profiles, keeping people up to date on my progress.

I usually spend several hours constructing videos and several more responding to people who respond to me (on a good day-on a bad day I just ignore it all and hope it goes away.)

I'd like to try and dedicate at least 3 hours total to social media a day.

I'd also like to start streaming.

This was a big fear of mine, as I was afraid I'd say something offensive. The goal posts keep changing on that.

Adopting a more curmudgeonnly attitude, and actually being myself elevates that fear.

I can do live streams of paintings I'm working on and fully express my disappointment with having no viable skills except for art and writing, rather than spouting off with some,
"Art is my passion! I feel so lucky to work a job where I'm allowed full creative expression, even if the pay isn't the best!!!"

There's too many of those little Mary Sunshine's working that corner anyway.


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