Blog, Vlogs and Videoclips

Go forth, and share your innermost secrets... but don't make it stupid.


There was a time in my life when I kept a regular blog. It's a great way to add new content, boost SEO and if you have over 20 posts, you can make some money employing programs like Ad Sense.

However, I began to realize, from the comments that were accumulating, that it was really only the Russian bots that were paying attention to me.

Самые славные комментарии (The Most Glorious Comments)


I used to think this had to do with my previous work in Kompromat (not a legal admission) but it turns out that Russian bots hit everyone up.

I know what you're about to say, "Why not add a more personal touch?"

My old blogs were personal, mostly focusing around my former ambition to be a comic book author... one who people actually care about I mean.

I posted tons of pictures and stories about weird requests people gave me on the order form.

 all of which I I dutifully fulfilled.



 I had mistaken believed that this would make people feel appreciated and recognized as fans. Nope, they just didn't care, but they liked the pictures.

When I would post about my writing process, or how I come up with my material, it was always a big bust. No one was really interested. 

Now, I'm trying to promote a podcast and make it into an animated series, (even a stop motion animated picture), just something more visceral.

Still its the same song and dance.

People don't really see me as someone they have to pay attention to and certainly not someone with thoughts. I'm just someone you walk out at social events, spin around in front of your real friends and say,

"Look at her, isn't she weird! I'M friends with someone like that! ME! Can you believe it! Aren't you impressed with how edgy yet accepting I am?" 

Currently, I'm trying to post more vulnerable, heart felt entries about how frustrated I am by the efforts I put in as an artist, writer, and podcaster only to stagnate. 

I mostly think about my nieces and nephews, who are all creative and unique in their own ways. I pity them.

I want the up and coming generation of writers and artists to understand that this is an emotionally draining, soul crushing industry, filled with manipulative people and users. 

I wish I had something to say about "the rewards being worth it" but I can't really back that up.

If I ever do make it, the only thing I'll have to say is "Finally!"

 I don't think I'll feel any sense of accomplishment, just dirty and used.

I'm trying to use the bitter, curmudgeonly outlook I've developed on life to create humorous blog posts. There's no use fighting it or pretending I'm Pretty Mary Sunshine. I'm irrecoverably jaded. 

Yet perhaps, like Larry David, I can use this to relate to others of my kind.

I think if I ran a more serious business, like software development, this would make me look like a soulless monster. 

People would scoff and say "Oh, so nothing matters to you but profit huh? All you care about is the bottom line? How typical!"

However, writers and artists are supposed to be temperamental. 

I don't really have hard facts and statistics to share, like a legit business. There's no upcoming releases I'm promoting as of yet, no sales on the horizon. I only have my emotional and intellectual process, and sometimes cute art and audio clips. 

Truthfully, I don't feel like people look at websites and blogs much anymore. We want our info short, and easily consumable. 

I could probably make shorter blogs, but I feel as though once someone's already reading, you may as well give them their money's worth.

I tend to be more active on Instagram, but maintain a blog on my website for people who really want to get to know me.

I'm hoping to do more with TikTok, but feel really insecure about my age as compared to the target demographic.

In my heart, I'm still 17! This is mostly because I was emotionally stunted by long term relationships and then spat out on to the world at 31, without the experience of young adulthood, but I digress.

Still, 17 is kind of old in Internet years.

 I was hoping to sidestep my haggish grossness by doing more animated content. Unfortunately that isn't quite panning out, time and tech issues.

I'll probably do some costumed lip synchs to stir up interest in my work. 

I have a lot of characters I could potentially cosplay as, one of who has their own Facebook and Instagram 

My Sibling, Marco A. Shatter, who does all the hard stuff at Lucid Nap Productions


Long format videos on YouTube are ore my bally wick, but I think people are moving away from that medium. I still plan on eventually making more traditional videos, but at present haven't really dedicated myself to that.

I think most businesses can benefit from an internet presence, but many industries would lose face if they posted stupid costumes and pictures. 

Not me, but...

I follow nutritionists @nutritionbykylie on TikTok who shows what she eats in a day, and dispells diet myths.

I also follow a proctologist @butttalkstv who talks about bowel health in a fun and light hearted way. 

These short blurbs get more attention than a blog, because they demand less of the viewer.

 Once you feel as though you have a relationship of sorts with the creator, then you take the next step and visit their website and blog.

I doubt that I'd ever see these TikTok medical professionals dressed up as the food pyramid or a butt respectively, dancing around the screen. It would make them seem frivolous and lacking in professionalism. 

Likewise, I'd never post anything sexually explicit. It's wrong for my business, and has the tenancy to make people (wrongly) underestimate your intelligence. As a show runner, looking to pitch a series, the last thing I need is for people to see me as dumb and easily cowed.

I'm trying to sort through the sorts of videos and imagery that first inspired me to want to write and draw. I'm at a point in my life where I have to dig deep within myself to find those things, which once came easily. 

My life is just a list of chores to be finished at present. People don't need any help feeling dismal and overwhelmed.

I feel as if I can stir up my old passion for film, art, animation and the written word, people will be able to feel this in my blogging, vlogging and videos. 

But you know, maybe not.



  1. Great blog post. I find it funny you got so much attention from Russian bots. Wonder what was going on there. Hope you find more success in the future!

  2. Once again, a very intriguing post! I cannot imagine how frustrating it must be to feel stagnated. I too am jaded, just in another work/life experience. I must say, age is only a number and is not as relevant as you think! And by the way, I am more of a Dr. Pimple Popper! Really, a proctologist?


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